Friday, January 30, 2015

Best In all You do

Fulfillment & the degrees of integration.

Recognize we are not interested in converting anyone or thing to any fixed "ism" of belief, without insisting, we do not command.

It is not the intention you had to identify yourself with one ideology! Not in life, work, the web, business or friends and companions.

We do not insist on any nomenclature or vocabulary, you can call it any thing you wish while we call it Integration Therapy. It does not matter in the least what you do, it is the doing that is important! We can help you integrate by observation guiding as friends. Observe yourself, your thoughts, words & deeds- without approval or disapproval and visit this space with us

Free from all speculation & opinion, less bound, spontaneous & less mechanical, assurance achieved through understanding, insight or comprehension, there is no other work to do than this.

Welcome & Good Day

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